Massive online courses

Think Road Safety - Road Safety Training for External PARTNERS

This course provides an introduction to road safety, impacts caused by injuries and deaths, global data on mobility, and the global plan of action for safety improvement.
A considerable part of the course is spent on understanding the importance of road infrastructure, implementing the Safe System Approach with global instances cited, and managing additional aspects such as police enforcement.
It also looks at methods of safety implementation and examples of worldwide successful case studies. Lastly, the course examines the capacity reviews and project management operations carried out by the World Bank for improving road safety.

Think Road Safety - Road Safety Training for External PARTNERS

MIT open courses ware

Transportation @ MIT is a coordinated effort to address one of civilization's most pressing challenges: the environmental impact of the world's ever-increasing demand for transportation.
Hundreds of members work in areas related to transportation, from motor vehicles to urban infrastructure planning to aviation efficiency to adaptive technologies and their influence on personal behavior.
The Transportation@MIT initiative knits together the wide-ranging, robust research already underway at the institute and creates new opportunities for education and innovation.

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ISO39001-Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System Exam

Around 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. Whilst in the year 2020, approx 1.8 million people die by CoVID-19 globally.
Therefore 1.35 million is comparable with 1.8 million, and this is one important area globally; that should be focused on improving and reducing the awful numbers. The global road safety week is celebrated between 17 - 23 May 2021. More than a celebration; departments, and road managing organizations need awareness and a framework based on international best practices on road traffic safety management.
ISO 39001:2012 specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can influence.

ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety (RTS) Management System Exam | Udemy

Road Safety programs


PRSA carries out campaigns through Social media Roadshows Adverts on television shows and radio adverts also partner with the cyclist in delivering the road safety message by cycling from one town to another.

Capacity Building

Training drivers, driving schools and school-going children is also part of our mandate in creating awareness of road safety.


Parkside Road safety Awareness researches the types of roads and infrastructure that we have and recommend improvements like better signage, better road marks, the status of the road, and the behavior of road users in that region. We study human behavior on the roads this helps us understand the human factor and its contribution to increasing or decreasing RTCs.


We visit Children's homes, touch their lives impact them, and support them where we can.Participation in the world day of remembrance. The World Day of Remembrance for Road -Traffic Victims (WDoR), created by the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims, is an official United Nations day commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year to remember the millions of lives lost or hurt by traffic crashes.

It is a day of solidarity for families, friends, and loved ones who have been affected by a traffic crash, and is an opportunity to advocate for safer roads and road victims’ rights around the world. It is also a day to thank traffic-crash emergency services and first responders, while reflecting on the tremendous burden that crashes and resultant injuries and fatalities make on economies, health care systems, and most importantly people, around the world. PRSA joins the world in commemorating this day through various activities eg medical camps, walks, and cycling.